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Project challenge:

So Delicious Smoothies

Suggested Ages: 3rd – 5th Grades

Raise your glass to innovation and down a delicious smoothie of your own invention! In this challenge, you’ll ditch the step-by-step recipe and follow your taste buds to smoothie glory. To do this you’ll need to BE REFLECTIVE by thinking about how you can tweak your flavors to make your smoothie truly irresistible.

Engaging Design-It-Yourself projects to inspire young innovators

This is no ordinary DIY project for kids: It’s a step toward becoming an innovator.


Every Galileo Design-It-Yourself Challenge teaches the same techniques and mindsets that professional designers an engineers, artists and chefs use in their work. With skills like these, we believe you can change the world.

Get Involved—For Grown Ups

Materials list:

Find these materials or a close substitute: 


  • 2-3 primary ingredients (start with ½ cup each); could be:
    • Fresh or frozen fruits (like bananas or berries)
    • Leafy greens (like spinach or kale)
    • Soft veggies (like cucumber or avocado)


  • 1-2 secondary flavors (start with ¼ tsp each); could be:
    • Spices (like ginger or cinnamon)
    • Flavoring (like vanilla extract)
    • Powders (like cocoa or matcha powder)
    • Citrus zest


  • 1 liquid (start with ½ cup); could be:
    • Milk (dairy or non-dairy)
    • Juice
    • Water


  • Optional: Yogurt, ice, sweeteners (like honey or sugar), salt


Activity GUIDE:

Refer to these steps to keep young innovators on track as they create:


1. Choose starting ingredientsPrint out the Smoothie Design sheet or have kids create their own ingredient tracker chart on a piece of paper. (0:33)


2. Blend ingredients.


3. Taste test and redesign.

  • Remind kids to make small changes and re-taste before adding more. And remind them to track what they’re adding. 
  • Support being reflectiveIf kids are tempted to rush through the redesign process, emphasize that taking time to reflect before calling their smoothie done will help them make it even more delicious.
  • Ask: Does your smoothie have a starring ingredient? If not, what ingredient could you make the star?
  • Ask: How might you add a note of contrast to add interest?
  • Ask: How might you make your flavors really pop?


4. Drink and take tasting notesPrint out the tasting note handout or just have kids answer the included reflection prompts on a separate piece of paper.


More Ideas:

Every project presents opportunities to add your own twists or extensions. Here are some ideas to get you started: 


  • Create a recipe for your final smoothie. Give your smoothie a fun name and write it at the top of your page. Then list all your ingredients and the total quantities that you ended up using. (This will be good practice for adding fractions!) 
  • Try another smoothie that doesn’t use any of the same starting ingredients as your first one.
  • See someone else’s take on your idea. Have someone begin with the same starting ingredients as you, but let them come up with their own tweaks. Try their final smoothie and compare it with yours. It’s fun to see what different ideas you both had even though you started with the same thing.


Wrap Up Questions:

Lock in the learning by asking kids these questions about their project and how they practiced the featured Innovator’s Mindset element: 


  • What do you like about your smoothie? If you made another one what would you do differently?
  • How were you reflective when you were making your smoothie? How did stopping to reflect help you make your smoothie better?
  • Did this give you any ideas about good flavor combos you hadn’t thought about before? How might you use those flavors in other things (besides smoothies)?

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With so many changes to everyone’s regular routines, we know you’re likely looking for ways to keep your kids learning (and yourself sane) while schools are closed. Subscribe here and Galileo will deliver a week’s work of activities to your inbox every Sunday to add to your routine!


The last step in the Gallieo Innovator’s Process is SHARE. Great learning can come from sharing successes and failures—to solidify your own experience as an innovator and to inspire others.


SHARE WITH galileo


Take a photo of your smoothie and share it with the Camp Galileo Anywhere Facebook Community. Even better, include your recipe so other people can try to make your smoothie!


Share with family and friends


Your innovation doesn’t stop with you. Inspire someone else by sharing your project challenge—maybe they’ll try it themselves or maybe your project will give them a new idea.


  • Who: someone in your house, a family member, a friend
  • How: in person, on the phone, online
  • When: anytime, starting now!