Check-in Instructions
Monday: Enter the parking lot using the driveway off of Michellinda Ave. You'll park and walk your camper to the check-in tables located on the west end of the parking lot between 8:30-9:00am. Look for staff and signage. We require a parent or guardian to check-in campers on Monday.
Tuesday-Friday: Check-in is curbside drop off only from 8:45-9:00am. Enter the lot using the driveway off of Michellinda Ave and proceed to the drop off location. Once your camper exits the car safely, loop around the parking lot and make a RIGHT on Michellinda Ave. If there is a long car line to enter the driveway, please do not block driveways or the Highland Ave. intersection.
Check-out Instructions
Check-out begins at 3:00pm. Please park in the same lot as check-in and follow signs and staff to direct you where to check out your camper. To keep campers safe, we require a photo ID from an adult on your camper’s authorized pick-up list every day at check-out.
During the camp day or PM extended care
Enter the camp site from Wilson St. (west entrance) and call the number on the gate. Please park after the gate opens, follow the paved road leading to the east side of campus, and a staff member will meet you.