Camp Galileo will be running check-in and check-out at the gate to the lower blacktop area on Chabot Rd, next to the main entrance to the school.
Check-in Instructions:
On Monday morning please park near the school, use the crosswalk when approaching check in, which will be along the sidewalk on Chabot St, in front of the school. Please avoid jay walking. Check-in will be from 8:30-9:00am. We require a parent or guardian to check-in campers on Monday.
On Tuesday-Friday, from 8:45-9:00am, we'll offer curbside drop-off along Chabot Road in the loading zone near the front office. Staff will greet you at your car and walk your kids to check-in – no need to park.
We require a parent or guardian to check-in campers on Monday.
Check-out Instructions:
Check-out begins at 3:00pm. At the end of the day, please park and follow signs and staff to direct you where to check out your camper, entrance on Chabot Road.
We require a photo ID from an adult on your camper's authorized pick-up list every day at check out.