On Monday morning, please plan to park and walk your kids to camp entrance located at the Beethoven Kinder Yard gate (corner of Beethoven and Victoria Ave.) from 8:30-9:00am. We require a parent or guardian to check-in campers on Monday.
On Tuesday – Friday, we'll offer curbside drop-off on campus in the mornings from 8:45-9:00am. You will need to queue along Victoria Ave. and then turn right onto Beethoven St. pull up to the Beethoven Kinder Yard entrance. A Galileo staffer will greet your camper and guide them into camp. Please do not park on Victoria Ave. during curbside drop-off.
Check-out begins at 3:00pm. Please pick up your children at the Beethoven Kinder Yard entrance. Look for signs and staff directing you to the correct check-out gate (there are three). Don't forget to bring your ID!