Check-in Instructions
For Monday check-in, please plan to park and walk your kids to the check-in tables located in the back of the school adjacent to the turf/blacktop and parking lot off of Evergreen Ave. between 8:30-9:00am. We require a parent or guardian to check-in campers on Monday.
On Tuesday-Friday, we will offer curbside drop off in the parking lot behind the school off of Evergreen Ave. from 8:45-9:00am. Pull in slowly, and a Galileo staffer will greet your camper and guide them into camp. You are also welcome to walk up after parking and drop your camper off.
Check-out Instructions
Check-out begins at 3:00pm.
During check-out, please park and walk to the entrance of the turf area located in the back of the school off Evergreen Ave.
To keep campers safe, we require a photo ID from an adult on your camper's authorized pick-up list every day at check-out.
If it is raining, please be patient and expect that the check-in and check-out process will take longer than normal.