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Project challenge:

my day montage

Suggested Ages: 3rd – 5th Grades

Capture the moment like a pro using some simple filming tricks! In this design challenge your goal is to make a video montage of a day in your life. To do that, you’ll need to BE COURAGEOUS and share your video, even if you’re not sure that what is happening in your day is particularly cool or interesting. By sharing, you can help other people notice and appreciate everyday things in their own lives.

Engaging Design-It-Yourself projects to inspire young innovators

This is no ordinary DIY project for kids: It’s a step toward becoming an innovator.


Every Galileo Design-It-Yourself Challenge teaches the same techniques and mindsets that professional designers an engineers, artists and chefs use in their work. With skills like these, we believe you can change the world.

Get Involved—For Grown Ups

Materials list:

Help your child find these materials or a close substitute: 


  • A video camera or phone with a camera.
  • Video editing software. (We recommend iMovie on apple devices and InShot on android devices, but there are many good options out there!)


Note: If kids haven’t used iMovie or InShot before, here are some tutorials to get them started:


Activity GUIDE:

Refer to these steps to keep young innovators on track as they create:


1.  Every half hour, shoot a 1-3 second video.

  • Ask: What rooms have you not shot anything in yet? What about outside? Is there something you’ve done multiple times today that you haven’t shot yet?
  • Ask: Even if it happens all the time, how might you shoot it so it looks as interesting as possible? What angles and distances have you shot/not shot from already? (View options at 2:44)


2.  At the end of the day, upload shots to chosen video editing software.

  • Check on kids’ comfortability with video editing. Set them up with a tutorial if needed. (Links above)


3.  Edit video and add music—Ask: What angles and distances have you used/not used in your final cut yet?


4.  Export and share the final video.

  • Support being courageous—If kids are reluctant to share their video, remind them that the video might be interesting to someone else or inspire others to see the everyday beauty in their own lives.


More Ideas:

Every project presents opportunities to add your own twists or extensions. Here are some ideas to get you started: 


  • Step it Up! Shoot an intro and outro where you explain the project and challenge others to try it too.
  • Innovate On! Keep this up for multiple days and make a “A Week In My Life” or even “A Month in My Life” video! A popular option is to take a 1-second video every day for a month, resulting in a roughly 30-second video montage in the end.


Wrap Up Questions:

Lock in the learning by asking kids these questions about their project and how they practiced the featured Innovator’s Mindset element: 


  • What is your favorite moment that you captured today? What was the hardest or most difficult to capture? Why?
  • Which moments did you have to be courageous to include in your video? Which were you unsure about or hesitant to include? Why do you think that is?
  • What moments do you think will be the most interesting to people of other ages? from other countries?


The last step in the Gallieo Innovator’s Process is SHARE. Great learning can come from sharing successes and failures—to solidify your own experience as an innovator and to inspire others.


SHARE WITH galileo


Share your video with the Camp Galileo Anywhere Facebook Community.


Share with family and friends


Your innovation doesn’t stop with you. Inspire someone else by sharing your project challenge—maybe they’ll try it themselves or maybe your project will give them a new idea.


  • Who: someone in your house, a family member, a friend
  • How: in person, on the phone, online
  • When: anytime, starting now!