Our 2nd and 3rd grade campers are ready to tackle more advanced projects and adventurous challenges, all designed to inspire their quirky curiosity.
Where they build creative confidence turning their ideas into individual, polished STEAM projects to take home every week (see project specifics below).
Where they collaborate on daily design challenges, experiment with wild ideas and find out that sending their creations crashing down is all part of the fun—and learning!
Where they play exciting outdoor games, take on team-building challenges with an innovative twist and engage in traditional camp fun, from relay races and tag to lanyards and face painting.
Transform your inventive ideas into fun, functional reality. Wire up a working vacuum (or blower!), complete with mounted motor and custom handle. Learn construction techniques to craft a super sturdy, uniquely personalized chair strong enough to sit in.
Explore the wonders of the Amazon rainforest. Design a vibrant symmetrical print to transform into the flapping wings of a tropical bird. Master color and tint mixing to create a leafy scene, then engineer a linkage system to make a curious creature pop out of your forest’s foliage.
Discover the secrets of the final frontier! Make an aerodynamic, air-powered PLOP rocket and an array of watercolor moon targets to launch it at. Fashion foam shapes into an out-of-this-world alien puppet and pick up intriguing space specimens with your own spring-loaded grabber.
Come out to play for a week of fun and games! Investigate circuitry as you wire up your own spectacular spin art machine. Make a cool swinging-creature toy powered by magnets. Construct a super-strong archery bow to pair with a playful set of arrows and custom targets.
Embark on a legendary journey to a land of kings, queens and quests. Construct your own castle with strong walls, a working drawbridge and an array of royal buildings. Dream up a kingdom to reign, then create a colorfully decorated crown or festive headpiece to represent it.
Go prehistoric with fiercely fun projects! Use foam etching and 3D construction to create a colorful dino mask with head crests or horns. Engineer a theropod claw that uses pulleys to grab and grip. Design a rolling dinosaur with a hinged jaw designed to devour.
Galileo projects are awesome. But while campers are making their arrows and alien puppets, they’re also doing something more—they’re learning how to innovate. Fueled by a process inspired by the Stanford d.school, Galileo helps campers learn essential innovation skills, like how to creatively solve problems, fearlessly try new things and persist in the face of challenges.
The products are cool. But the byproducts—the newfound confidence, vision and grit you’ll start seeing in your kids after only a short time—are what make Galileo so much more than your average summer camp.