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FAQs -


Health & Safety

What are Camp Galileo’s air quality precautions?

In the case of potential severe weather or poor air quality, we want to reassure you that safety is our top priority. Should such situations arise, we are prepared to relocate all regular outdoor activities to our indoor facilities, ensuring a continuous, safe, and engaging camp experience for your children. In cases where indoor options are unavailable, our Camp Directors will reach out directly with more information about specific camp plans. Unfortunately, wildfire smoke is becoming a more regular weather challenge. Galileo follows the EPA’s Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools which can be found here. In short, when the AQI reaches over 150, we have and will modify our camp schedule and activities to spend as much time indoors as possible.

What are examples of nut-free snacks allowed at camp?

We are a Nut-Free Camp. No food with peanuts, tree nuts or products containing traces of nuts to be consumed on the camp premises. Examples of tree nuts include: almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, and walnuts.

Sunflower Seed Butter “Sun-nut butter” is OK! Here is a list of examples of nut-free snacks:

What are your COVID safety protocols?

The safety of our camp community is our top priority. All camp locations will follow the most current federal, state and local health guidelines regarding COVID-19. We recommend all customers review and follow their local Public Health guidelines regarding COVID-19.

Can I reschedule camp if my child is sick?

If canceling for illness before your session begins, you will be offered a free transfer to another available week in the current season. If you choose to decline this offer, the standard cancellation policies apply. If canceling for illness mid-week, no transfers or refunds will be offered.

How do you handle serious allergies at camp?

We take allergies very seriously. As part of the enrollment process, you’ll complete a detailed Camper Information form and communicate  any information we should know about your camper’s allergies. The staff at your camp location reviews this information prior to your camper’s first day of camp. . Before camp begins, we welcome you to proactively contact your Camp Director to talk through any concerns or specific information you may have. You will receive the Guide to Camp in early June, which includes contact information for your Camp Director.

Is Camp Galileo nut-free?

All of our camp programs are nut-free. Campers are instructed not to bring any food containing nuts with them, nor do we provide or stock any products that contain nuts. Furthermore, most of our camp locations are run at school sites that are also nut-free campuses.

Our staff members are trained in how to recognize the signs of anaphylactic shock and administer an EpiPen, if needed. EpiPens brought to camp will remain with the camper and supervising staff members at all times.

What if my child gets hurt?

We do everything we can to keep your campers safe, and we’re prepared to support them in the event of an injury. All of our on-site camp management staff are first aid and CPR certified.  We notify parents of minor injuries (like scraped knees) during the check-out process every day. In the event of a more serious injury, we will call 911 if needed, and notify the parents or guardians immediately.

What is your hiring process?

Our staff goes through a rigorous interview process that includes an application, in-person interview, reference check and criminal background check; leadership team members attend additional one-on-one interviews. Those that meet our standard of excellence are invited to join the Galileo team. Once hired, all staff receive several hours of online training plus two full days of in-person training, followed by ongoing supervision and professional development provided by their Camp Director. You can learn more about Galileo’s staff, including selection and training, here.

Do you require parents to show an ID at check-out?

Yes, anyone who is picking up your child from camp must bring their ID and be listed on your child’s account as an authorized pick up.

Do you have protocols in the event of poor air quality index days, or other weather-related challenges like extreme heat?

Yes. Our staff review weather and air quality regularly to determine the safety of campers and staff outside. In the event of AQI readings, heat index readings, or other severe weather events that trigger indoor advisories, our campers and staff stay indoors and we modify our activities so that campers still have memorable, magical experiences.

Do you have protocol in the event of an emergency, like a fire?

We have evacuation plans at each of our sites and camp staff is trained on what to do in the event of almost any emergency, including earthquakes, fires, airborne exposures and much more.

Do you have Camper Management and Behavior Policies & Expectations?

Yes.  Galileo Learning works to create a positive learning and camp environment for all campers and staff through positive behavior management methods. Campers are required to safely participate in camp, and are oriented on their first day to safety and behavior norms and expectations. Galileo reserves the right to remove campers from the program for any of the following behaviors and actions, as well as unforeseen actions that put the safety of the camp community at risk:

  • Hitting, shoving, pushing, biting, kicking campers or staff
  • Sexually touching campers or staff
  • Threatening physical aggression toward campers or staff
  • Making derogatory remarks related to race, sexual orientation, religion or other forms of discrimination toward campers or staff
  • Bringing a weapon to camp or threat of bringing a weapon to camp
  • Repeated and targeted verbal aggression toward campers or staff
  • Bringing drugs, alcohol, or other banned substances for minors to camp
  • Being unable to follow staff instructions such that there are safety concerns (e.g. unable to stay with group, cannot handle supplies safely)

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