Galileo X

Galileo provides high-quality enrichment programs for K-8th graders that support your school community and satisfy state (including Calilfornia’s ELO-P requirements) and federal requirements.

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Partnership Programs

We work with districts and foundations in two ways to create tailored programs that meet state and federal requirements.

    Full Service Camp

    We run your summer program

    • Up to 6 weeks and 9 hours per day
    • Powerful, imagination-sparking STEAM curriculum that mitigates learning loss
    • Engaging, hands-on collaborative projects and outdoor play every day
    • Experienced, enthusiastic staff that meet your hiring requirements
    Curriculum, Materials & Professional Development

    We empower your staff to run our program

    • Customized content from our curriculum library for your expanded learning needs
    • Convenient delivery of all curriculum materials
    • Best-in-class professional development & program training for your staff

Our Partners

What Our Partners Say

"Galileo's curriculum, with its focus on innovative educational projects, has been a perfect fit for our summer programs. These are skills and experiences ALL kids, regardless of income or zip code, deserve."
Erin Brannan, Former Chief Program Officer, Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula
Teacher, St. Helena School District
Teacher, St. Helena School District
I saw students engage with the task on a level I haven't seen in years. They were asking each other questions, using resources such as the online curriculum to try to problem solve, looking at models, and redoing parts of their projects or refining them to try to improve the artwork or the functionality of their projects.
Galileo X Lynwood Parent
Galileo X Lynwood Parent
My daughter loves going to the camp. She wakes up every morning excited to learn new things.
Galileo X San Gabriel Parent
Galileo X San Gabriel Parent
Kids are so creative and come home making more crafts. I just know their minds are opening up so much. Very grateful they got a chance to just learn through play!
Teacher, St. Helena School District
Teacher, St. Helena School District
The curriculum was great! Kids were engaged and had a lot of fun. These students who are not generally seen as leaders in the classroom had to rise to the occasion and become leaders and problem solvers. I think it was very empowering for many of the students and will help them to be confident learners in the next school year.

The Projects Are Just the Beginning

Galileo projects are awesome. But while campers are making their arrows and alien puppets, they’re also doing something more—they’re learning how to innovate. Fueled by a process inspired by the Stanford, Galileo helps campers learn essential innovation skills, like how to creatively solve problems, fearlessly try new things and persist in the face of challenges.

The products are cool. But the byproducts—the newfound confidence, vision and grit you’ll start seeing in your kids after only a short time—are what make Galileo so much more than your average summer camp.

Learn About Our Approach

Our Impact is Real

In a multi-year study, researchers from the Stanford Graduate School of Education found that Galileo campers tend to persevere in the face of unfamiliar challenges, share their ideas more freely and respond better in the face of failure.

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Interested in learning more about our partnership options? Contact us for a quote or more information.

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Thank you for your interest in partnering with Galileo. We’re excited to collaborate with you to customize an enriching program to meet your expanded learning needs.
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